该研讨课程仅限思科受邀客户参加 使用思科团队的独家促销代码注册时,请选择“以后付款-发票”选项 Please see FAQ Cisco Events 概述 该课程致力于高效快捷地让工程师掌握思科UCS必备技能,在客户环境下成功放置,操作UCS并进行故障排除。 课程涵盖了使用池、策略和模板将服务配置文件放置到服务器、存储和网络集成等关键概念。 目标 完成本次研讨课后,学生应能够: 建立和设置UCS基础架构,包括UCS矩阵互连,UCS IOM,UCS 5108刀片服务器机箱和UCS B系列刀片服务器。 了解UCS系统的组件及其之间的连接。 说明如何设置和配置Cisco UCS服务器 创建并建立服务档案,服务档案模板以及相关的策略和资源。 说明如何维护和更新UCS系统,例如 固件管理,备份/还原,日志记录/报告选项等。 在UCS服务器(例如VMware ESXi)上安装操作系统。 解释高可用性、Cisco UCS的管理、预配管理员访问权限、配置RBAC以及使用CLI外壳。 实施思科Intersight 操作UCS服务器和服务配置文件并了解通信路径 使用分析和报告功能对故障与缺陷进行排除 培训对象 服务器管理员和操作员 技术架构师和设计师 网络现场工程师 预修课程 参加此研讨课程前,学生必须具备以下知识与技能: 对网络,服务器和存储技术具有基本的了解 课程时长: 3天(每天4.0 小时)
该研讨课程仅限思科受邀客户参加 使用思科团队的独家促销代码注册时,请选择“以后付款-发票”选项 Please see FAQ Cisco Events 总览 这是一个为期3天的讲师指导计划,专门为已经在实施和管理Cisco HyperFlex系统方面经验丰富的工程师设计。 参加者将学习如何以各种格式(单一群集,扩展群集和边缘)以及使用vCenter和Hyper-V虚拟机管理程序进行故障排除,管理和操作Cisco HyperFlex。 您还将获得使用本地HyperFlex Connect平台和Cisco Intersight进行维护的动手经验。 该课程理论占比50%,实践占比50% 目标 该研讨会的主要受众是 数据中心架构师 云基础架构架构师 网络工程师 系统管理员 存储管理员 先决条件 参加者必须具备以下条件: 熟悉Cisco Hyperflex 熟悉Cisco UCS 熟悉服务器虚拟化 L2和L3网络概念 课程时长: 3天(每天4.0小时)
This workshop is a fast-paced technical delivery that is aimed at providing essential skills that will enable engineers to successfully place, operate and troubleshoot UCS in a customer environment. It covers the key concepts of using pools, policies and templates to place Service Profiles to servers, storage and network integration. Objectives After completing this workshop […]
“By Invitation Only Workshop for Cisco Customers” “Select “Pay Later – Invoice” option during registration with the exclusive promo code from your Cisco team” Please see FAQ Cisco Events This workshop is a fast-paced technical delivery that is aimed at providing essential skills that will enable engineers to successfully place, operate and troubleshoot UCS in […]
“By Invitation Only Workshop for Cisco Customers” “Select “Pay Later – Invoice” option during registration with the exclusive promo code from your Cisco team” Please see FAQ here. This is a 3-days (4.0 hours per day) instructor led program designed for customers who have implemented the Cisco HyperFlex System. Participants will learn how to manage and operate Cisco HyperFlex in various formats […]
>>Purchase Cisco eLearning Subscription The Implementing Cisco Service Provider VPN Services (SPVI) v1.0 course prepares you to manage end-customer Virtual Private Network (VPN) environments built over a common service provider Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) backbone. You will complete hands-on labs to reinforce MPLS VPN fundamental concepts, benefits, and classification, MPLS components, MPLS control plane and data […]
>>Purchase Cisco eLearning Subscription The Implementing Automation for Cisco Service Provider Solutions (SPAUI) v1.0 course prepares you to implement and support automation solutions in a Service Provider network infrastructure, using network programmability principles, protocols, tools, and mechanisms. Through a combination of lessons and hands-on labs, you will learn to deploy, configure, monitor, and operate Service Provider […]
>> Purchase Cisco eLearning Subscription The Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (DEVOPS) v1.0 course teaches you how to automate application deployment, enable automated configuration, enhance management, and improve scalability of cloud microservices and infrastructure processes on Cisco® platforms. You will also learn how to integrate Docker and Kubernetes to create advanced capabilities and flexibility in […]
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Network Performance using Cisco DNA Center with Assurance is a 3-day course which provides students with the skills to implement, monitor, troubleshoot, and remediate network infrastructure, applications, and devices using Cisco DNA Center Assurance tools and techniques. Objectives Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: Explain the role of […]
>> Purchase Cisco eLearning Subscription The Introducing Automation for Cisco Solutions (CSAU) v1.1 course gives you a broad overview of network automation skills. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs, you will learn the fundamentals of automation such as working on model-driven programmability solutions with Representational State Transfer Configuration Protocol (RESTCONF) and Network Configuration […]