>> Purchase Cisco eLearning Subscription Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions (CLCEI) 1.2 training provides you with an understanding of Cisco Expressway Series solutions, such as B2B calls, Cisco Mobile and Remote Access for remote workers, authentication options, and additional Cisco Expressway Series features. Topics covered also include details about the Webex solutions, and the […]
>> Purchase Cisco eLearning Subscription Implementing Cisco Collaboration Applications (CLICA) v1.2 training teaches you the knowledge and skills to configure and troubleshoot Single Sign-On (SSO), Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Unity Express, and Application clients. Topics covered include streamlining communication procedures, strengthening compliance measures, and enhancing communication systems and devices. This course also earns you […]
End-of-Life as of 26 April 2024. Replaced by Fundamentals of Cisco Firewall Threat Defense and Intrusion Prevention (SFWIPF). Click the link for class outline and schedule. The Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next-Generation IPS (SSFIPS) v4.0 course shows you how to deploy and use Cisco Firepower® Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS). This hands-on course gives you the knowledge and skills to use […]
End-of-Life as of 26 April 2024. Replaced by Fundamentals of Cisco Firewall Threat Defense and Intrusion Prevention (SFWIPF). Click the link for class outline and schedule. The Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower Next Generation Firewall (SSNGFW) v1.0 course shows you how to deploy and use Cisco Firepower® Threat Defense system. This hands-on course gives you knowledge and […]
>> Purchase Cisco eLearning Subscription Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCIT) v7.1 training builds your knowledge and skills in troubleshooting LANs, SANs, Cisco Unified Fabric, Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS), and Cisco Application-Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI). You’ll gain hands-on experience resolving problems on Cisco Multilayer Director Switch (MDS) switches, Cisco Nexus switches, Cisco Fabric Extenders […]
SECCLDcourse shows you how to implement Cisco® cloud security solutions to secure access to the cloud, workloads in the cloud, and software as a service (SaaS) user accounts, applications, and data. Through expert instruction and hands-on labs, you’ll learn a comprehensive set of skills and technologies including: how to use key Cisco cloud security solutions; detect suspicious traffic flows, policy violations, and compromised devices; implement security controls for cloud environments; and implement cloud security management.
>> Purchase Cisco eLearning Subscription Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations (CLFNDU) v1.2 training gives you the skills and knowledge needed to administer and support a simple, single-site Cisco® Unified Communications Manager (CM) solution with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) gateway. The course covers initial parameters, management of devices including phones and video endpoints, management of users, and management […]