CVP Development and Scripting Part 2 (CVPDS2)
Description, Pre requisites -
Lessons, Course Structure
The new CVPD Scripting Part 2 class provides in-depth coverage and hands-on practice of the more advanced programming topics of Call Studio such as web services and parsing their results, javascript, modularizing large applications, writing a speech recognition applications, and advanced event handling.
Target Audience
CVPD is for Cisco customers, partners, and employees involved in UCCE/CVP or CVP Stand-alone deployments. This class is for application developers, programmers, sales and pre-sales, technical support, and project managers to learn to script in CVP Call Studio and VXML Server.
Suggested Pre-requisites
The knowledge and skills that a student must have before attending this course are as follows:
- CVPD Part 1 or Experience Using Call Studio
5 Days
Module 1: JavaScript: Add an incredible amount of functionality that was not formerly available:
- String functions: substring, string length, string replace, toUpper, toLower, charAt, etc.
- Math functions: round, floor, ceiling, truncate, random numbers, etc.
- Date functions: date or time arithmetic, validate dates, create formatted date/time variables
Module 2: REST Web Service calls and XML: Learn to work with RESTful web services
- Testing RESTful web service interface in a Web Browser using Rest Client Extension
- Learn XPath syntax to parse XML response and using free online tools
- How to use the Studio REST Client Element and to parse XML responses in Studio
- Fetchtimeout and Fetchaudio review
Module 3: REST Web Service calls and JSON:
- Learn JSON syntax, how to parse JSON responses, and test using free online tools
- Use the Studio Rest Client element and JavaScript in Studio to parse JSON results
Module 4: SOAP Web Services: Understand how to invoke a SOAP and WSDL based web services
- SOAPUI to test web service connection outside of Studio
- Using the Studio Web Services Element
Module 5: Database: Use the SQL Database element in Studio
- Select data and execute stored procedures on a SQL-based database
- Select multiple rows into XML and parse the result
- Event Handling to catch exceptions and switch to backup database
Module 6: Modularization and Multiple applications
- SubFlows – Subroutines (or ‘functions) for reusability and readability
- Subdialogs – Calling another Studio application as a subroutine
- Application Transfers – Go to another Studio application without returning
Module 7: Event Handling: Adding event handling globally, in subflows, or element-level
- LastException variable
- Adding Your Own Event Handling for Java Exceptions, VoiceXML Events, Custom Exceptions
- Creating an Error Element to catch any unhandled exceptions
- Use Cisco Log Parser Tool
Module 8: Speech Recognition: Working with Nuance Speech Recognition
- Understanding grammars: builtin, inline, external
- Using Studio Digits, Number, Currency, YesNoMenu elements, Confirm if necessary
- Studio Form Element to build a menu, invoke builtin grammars, point to URI-based grammars
- Work with multiple results (N-Best list) Global Commands (HotLinks)