Webex CC Administrator Training -Voice Channel (WXCCV3)

In this hands-on Instructor led training, students will get an overview of Cisco Webex Contact Centre solution, understand the WXCC Architecture & Licensed Options and perform all basic administrative configuration tacks to set up a Webex Contact Centre. Students will be setting up Routing Strategies and Call Flows for Voice channel and learn Supervisory Functions, Create Reports and Dashboards Using Visualizations.

Course  Objectives:
Upon completion of this workshop, students should be able to:

  • Configure Webex CC using Voice channels
  • Design Webex CC using Voice channel options for customers

Intended Audience:

  • Partner Pre-Sales SEs, Field SEs, Deployment SEs, Day-2 Operations

Pre-requisite skills:

Students attending this workshop should have a basic understanding of Contact Centre Operation.


3 Days

Topics Covered:

  • An Introduction to Cisco Webex Contact Centre
  • Tenant Profiles
  • Routing Strategies and Call Flows
  • Supervisory Functions
  • Agent Functions
  • Reports and Dashboards Using Visualizations
  • Design Challenge


Using Housley’s Webex CC Training Tenant:

  • Configuring Control Hub
  • Webex Contact Center Management Portal
  • Create an Entry Point
  • Create an Entry Point Mapping
  • Create a new Queue
  • Create a Routing Strategy
  • Creating new Flow
  • Update an Agent
  • Test Configuration
  • Create an Outdial Entry Point
  • Create an Outdial Queue


  • An Introduction to Cisco Webex Contact Centre
    • Webex Contact Centre Overview
    • Webex Contact Centre Architecture
    • Understanding Licensing
    • Licensed Options
    • Accessing the Contact Centre
    • PSTN Options
  • Tenant Profiles
      • Tenant Profile
      • CC User Types
      • User Profile Types
      • Skill, Skill Definitions, User, Agent, Multimedia
      • Sites and Teams
      • Adding Contact Centre Users
      • Profile Associations for Various Types of Contact Centre Users
      • Bulk Tools
  • Routing Strategies and Call Flows
    • Overview
    • Dialled Numbers (DNs), Entry Points, and Queues
    • Business Hours
    • Routing Strategies and Audio Files
    • Call Flow Overview
    • Basic Activity Configuration for Inbound Call Flows
    • Advanced Activity Configuration
    • Global Variables
  • Supervisory Functions
    • Supervisor Configuration
    • Call Recording
    • Recording Management
    • Call Monitoring
  • Agent Functions
    • Agent Configuration
    • Agent desktop
  • Reports and Dashboards Using Visualizations
    • Visualizations
    • Reporting options
    • Stock Reports
    • Dashboards
  • Design Challenge
    • Overview
    • Describe customer requirements


  • Configuring Control Hub
  • Webex Contact Center Management Portal
  • Create an Entry Point
  • Create an Entry Point Mapping
  • Create a new Queue
  • Create a Routing Strategy
  • Creating new Flow
  • Update an Agent
  • Test Configuration
  • Create an Outdial Entry Point
  • Create an Outdial Queue